Unsere Dienstleistungen
First Consult
Second Opinion
Complex Care Solutions
Für Arbeitgeber
Cost-effectiveness of a second opinion program on spine surgeries: an economic analysis
Daniel Tavares Malheiro # 2, Eliane Antonioli # 1, Isabela Dias Paião 2, Mario Lenza 2, Miguel Cendoroglo Neto 2, Vanessa Damazio Teich 2
The behaviors of seeking a second opinion from other health-care professionals and the utilization of complementary and alternative medicine in gynecologic cancer patients.
D K L Cheng, H Y S Ngan, T Y Ng, K F Tam
Patients‘ reactions and physician-patient communication in a mandatory surgical second-opinion program
D Lynne, E V Herbst, S A Gorman, S N Rosenberg, S Snitzer
Seeking a second opinion: do patients need a second opinion when practice guidelines exist?
Alain Bremond, Amiram Gafni, Marie-Odile Carrere, Nora Moumjid
Why do patients seek a second opinion or alternative medicine?
M J Verhoef, L R Sutherland
Who gets second opinions?
L S Wagner, T H Wagner
Second Medical Opinion: Utilization Rates and Characteristics of Seekers in a General Population
Erez Shmueli, Geva Greenfield, Igal Hekselman, Joseph S Pliskin, Nadav Davidovitch, Ran D Balicer, Liora Shmueli
Patient-Driven Second Opinions in Oncology: A Systematic Review
Ellen M A Smets, Joost G Daams, Niki M Medendorp, Marij A Hillen
Overconfidence as a cause of diagnostic error in medicine
Mark L Graber, Eta S Berner
The incidence of diagnostic error in medicine
Mark L Graber
Ethical and legal implications in seeking and providing a second medical opinion
Christoph Beglinger, Majid Hassan, Theodore Rokkas, Yaron Niv, Anthony Axon
What is the value of patient-sought second opinions?
M Bijl, R Gans, M Mustafa
Patient-initiated second opinions: systematic review of characteristics and impact on diagnosis, treatment, and satisfaction
Ashley N D Meyer, David Harrison, Hardeep Singh, Lewis Levy, Mark L Graber, Velma L Payne
Is there evidence for a better health care for cancer patients after a second opinion? A systematic review
Christian Keinki, Jutta Huebner, Patrick Liebl, Sarah Schroth, Dana Ruetters
Patient-initiated second medical opinions: their necessity and economic cost
A C Ho, A F Smith, C D Regillo, G C Brown, J A McNamara, J F Vander, W Tasman, W E Benson
Why do newly diagnosed breast cancer patients seek a second opinion? – Second opinion seeking and its association with the physician-patient relationship
Antje Dresen, Holger Pfaff, Marij A Hillen, Natalia Cecon, Sophie E Groß
Values and risks of second opinion in Japan’s universal health-care system
Atsushi Okawa, Kazuo Kawahara, Yujiro Tanaka, Sawako Okamoto
Second opinion behaviour among Japanese primary care patients
M Takeichi, S Koizumi, T Hara, T Sato
Reasons, perceived outcomes and characteristics of second-opinion seekers: are there differences in private vs. public settings?
Geva Greenfield, Igal Hekselman, Joseph S Pliskin, Nadav Davidovitch, Ran D Balicer, Liora Shmueli
Patient satisfaction in neurological second opinions and tertiary referrals
E M A Smets, E Richard, J Stam, L Wieske, M D I Vergouwen, D Wijers
Cancer patients seeking a second surgical opinion: results of a study on motives, needs, and expectations
A M M Eggermont, A M V Dulmen, J M Bensing, P M M Spreeuwenberg, Th Wiggers, W A M Mellink
Discrepancy between second and first opinion in surgical oncological patients
A H H Bongaerts, B V Ooijen, C J Rodenburg, S C Henzen-Logmans, T H Wiggers, W A M Mellink
Second opinions in oncology: the experiences of patients attending the Sydney Cancer Centre
Heather L Shepherd, Jesse Jansen, Lisa G Horvath, Michael L Boyer, Rachel F Dear, Rhonda J Devine, Martin H N Tattersall
Information Deficits and Second Opinion Seeking – A Survey on Cancer Patients
Christian Keinki, Eckart Seilacher, Hani Hanaya, Jutta Huebner, Marie-Jolin Koester, Patrick Liebl, Tobias Fuchs